Examples using React bindings

Example 0: Counter. Basics of observables and actions

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import { action, observable, makeObservable } from "dipole";
import { observer } from "dipole-react";

let counterId = 0;

class CounterModel {
  // not observable field
  id = counterId++;
  // observable field
  count = observable.prop(0);

  constructor() {
    // creates getters and setters for observable fields for transparency

  // actions are atomic changes on observables, see introduction below
  inc = action(() => (this.count += 1));
  dec = action(() => (this.count -= 1));
  reset = action(() => (this.count = 0));

// React component wrapped into `observer` re-renders on observable changes
const Counter = observer(({ model, onRemove }) => {
  return (
      Counter is: {model.count}
      <button onClick={model.inc}>+</button>
      <button onClick={model.dec}>-</button>
      <button onClick={model.reset}>Reset</button>
      {onRemove && <button onClick={() => onRemove(model.id)}>Remove</button>}

const counterModel = new CounterModel();

ReactDOM.render(<Counter model={counterModel} />, document.getElementById("root"));

Example 1: Counter list. Model composition and computed data

Using the counter example above, let's compose multiple Counter models into a more complex app.

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import { computed } from "dipole";

class CounterListModel {
  counters = observable.prop([]);

  // computeds are fields with data derived from other computeds/observables
  countersTotal = computed.prop(() => {
    return this.counters.length;

  countersSum = computed.prop(() => {
    return this.counters.reduce((acc, counter) => acc + counter.count, 0);

  constructor() {

  addCounter = action(() => {
    const counter = new CounterModel();
    // as observables are dumb containers for data,
    // we need to let them know about changes in underlying data structures
    this.counters = this.counters; // or notify(() => this.counters)

  removeCounter = action((id) => {
    // no need for notify() because we are doing an assignment here
    this.counters = this.counters.filter((counter) => counter.id !== id);

  // action can aggregate multiple other actions and still be atomic
  resetAll = action(() => {
    this.counters.forEach((counter) => counter.reset());

const CounterList = observer(({ model }) => {
  return (
      <p>Counters total: {model.countersTotal}</p>
      <p>Counters sum: {model.countersSum}</p>
      {model.counters.map((counter) => (
      <button onClick={model.addCounter}>Add counter</button>
      <button onClick={model.resetAll}>Reset all</button>

const counterListModel = new CounterListModel();

ReactDOM.render(<CounterList model={counterListModel} />, document.getElementById("root"));

Example 2: TodoMVC. The classics of.


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